Lionel C. Briand, SnT centre for Security, Reliability, and Trust, University of Luxembourg

Lionel Briand's picture

Tutorial: Search-based Testing for Cyberphysical Systems.

Abstract: This tutorial focuses on the application of search-based testing to cyber-physical systems. We will identify important and specific testing problems in the context of such systems and will address the advantages and limitations of metaheuristic search when automating test case generation and failure detection.

Lionel C. Briand is professor and FNR PEARL chair in software verification and validation at the SnT centre for Security, Reliability, and Trust, University of Luxembourg. He also acts as vice-director of the centre. Lionel started his career as a software engineer in France (CS Communications & Systems) and has conducted applied research in collaboration with industry for more than 20 years.

Lionel was elevated to the grade of IEEE Fellow for his work on the testing of object-oriented systems. He was recently granted the IEEE Computer Society Harlan Mills award and the IEEE Reliability Society engineer-of-the-year award for his work on model-based verification and testing. In 2016, he was also the recipient of an ERC Advanced grant from the European Commission. His research interests include: software testing and verification, model-driven software development, search-based software engineering, and empirical software engineering.